Commercial Condition Surveys
A Schedule of Condition can be required for numerous reasons: To be attached to new leases; For Planned Maintenance development; To record the condition of any existing buildings & assets prior to any construction works; End of Lease negotiations; New Lease negotiations; Party Wall Act awards.
As part of a planned or re-active maintenance plan the schedule provides the base view of the condition of the property and then planned maintenance can be developed from this base.
Schedules of condition can prove to be a vital documents when acquiring a new lease on properties that already have some maintenance liability.
The schedule can be used to limit dilapidations liability, obtained landlords undertaking to complete work or obtain/ increase rent free periods. Schedules of condition should be used when agreeing Party Wall awards or agreeing works to or adjacent to adjoining properties.
CDA Chartered Building Surveyors can prepare Schedules of Condition to a range of property types specifically tailored to meet our clients requirements.